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Pregnancy Support

Pregnancy and childbirth can be exciting, rewarding, demanding and draining at the same time. According to TCM, it is critical for the mother to take time during and after her pregnancy to strengthen and repair her body. Acupuncture is safe and highly effective treatment of various pregnancy symptoms.



Acupuncture are particularly helpful in alleviating following symptoms in different trimester:

First Trimester (0-12 Weeks)

Nausea and Morning Sickness 

Prevention of Miscarriage 


Feeling bloated 

Frequent urination 

Mood swings 


Second Trimester (13 - 28 Weeks)

Headaches and Migraines
Back pain and Sciatica
Digestive Problems
Heartburn and Constipation
Shortness of Breath

Prenancy in White

Third Trimester (29-40 Weeks)

Back pain and Sciatica

Stress & Anxiety

Pre-Birth Acupuncture Treatments

Pre-Birth treatments refers to a series of treatments in the final weeks, ususaly from weeks 35-40 to prepare for labor.

Acupuncture can boost the mother’s stamina for labor, correct breech presentation, and encourage timely labors, fewer birth complications, and better health for mother and baby.

Acupuncture Labor Induction

Acupuncture is a natural option for the pregnant woman to prepare the baby and body for labor and encourage the body's own natural labor process. Labor induction starts just prior to or right after the due date. Treatments are scheduled around week 39.

Postpartum Care

In Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) the first month after giving birth is crucial to the immediate and future health of both mother and baby. After delivery of the baby the mother is in a very depleted and vulnerable state, it is important for the new mother to nourish herself with food, rest, warmth, and support so that she is able to continue to care for her child.

Acupuncture can help with such post-partum health issues as  poor or no lactation, mastitis, hemorrhoids, constipation, abdominal cramping and pain, caesarian post-surgical pain, infection of the caesarean scar, and insomnia. Acupuncture is also clinically effective in treatment of post-partum depression.

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